ARTEME es reuneix amb la Consellera d’Economia
La Junta Directiva d’ARTEME va traslladar les principals línies de treballs de l’entitat al CIMe.
ARTEME is made up of craftsmen by trade, professionals of various specialties: food, shoes, jewelry, wood, metal and others, who love their job and hope to shed light on their fields as part of history and tradition, while keeping it both current and innovative through their constant effort.
Since its creation, the association has become part of PIME Menorca, which provides relevant advice and administration services in order to keep its members up to date.
The Association of Craft Companies of Menorca, ARTEME, has its own distinctive to identify the associated craftsmen:
To certify their professional career, artisans can apply for the artisan charter, the master artisan charter and the artisan qualification document (DCA). Once they are in possession of the charter, they can apply for the guarantee mark hallmark Artesanía de Menorca. This mark is Island Council of Menorca property and distinguishes the professional artisans who deserve to represent Menorca’s handicrafts, on the basis of the quality of their work.The image that relates to the craft cards and the DCA is:
The image that relates to the brand is:
La Junta Directiva d’ARTEME va traslladar les principals línies de treballs de l’entitat al CIMe.
Los artesanos de oficio disponen de un packaging personalizado para dar a conocer sus productos elaborados de forma artesanal
10.000 mapes s’han distribuït aquest mes d’agost per donar a conèixer els artesans d’ofici de Menorca.